A social security number AND state issued id or passport are required to complete this online application. IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL APPLICANTS ARE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A COPY OF THEIR PHOTO ID TO newservicerequest@fairfield.coop. YOUR REQUEST WILL BE PUT ON HOLD UNTIL ID IS PROVIDED. If you are lacking either, please visit one of our offices to apply in person. Click here to find the office nearest you. Once submitted, this application will be transmitted to a member service representative for review. You will be contacted by phone to complete the application process and to notify you of any deposits or fees associated with connecting this service. Applications received on weekends, holidays, or after business hours will be reviewed on the following business day. A CREDIT CHECK WILL BE RAN IN ORDER TO DETERMINE IF A DEPOSIT IS REQUIRED. Note: All fields with the asterisk (*) are required. |
Service Address: (Physical 911 Address of Location) |